Bionic Hand

The innovative Bionic Hand, crafted through a fusion of cutting-edge Bio-Sensor technology, advanced AI capabilities, and meticulous mechanical design, represents a groundbreaking leap forward in prosthetic innovation.

Bio Sensor

 The embedded algorithm can recognize 6 pre-defined gestures and it works with gForceJoint to control such as Arduino MCU.

Smart rehab

MAXSENS Exoskeleton includes a training software system and a wearable light-weighted arm brace with multiple bio-sensors measuring elbow, shoulder movements.

EEG Machine Intelligent

Used in scientific research in different fields such as biology, psychology, sociology, linguistics, etc.,as well as research and diagnosis in the medical field stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease,  Alzheimer’s disease, depression, ADHD and other neurological diseases).

IoT solution for rehabilitation and wellness sectors
Real-time monitoring…
…of musculoskeletal activities by combination of software and Hardware
AI and machine learning for data Integration analysis
Multisensorial platform
identifies incorrect postures and neurological damages swiftly

Products & Applications

Who can benefit?

» Healthcare Providers

» Heath Insurance companies

» Individual Users

» Research Institutions

» Virtual Reality (VR) and Gaming Industry

» Sports and Fitness Industry

» Telehealth and Remote Monitoring Services

» Corporate Wellness Programs

» Assistive Technology Providers

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Why Maxsens




MAXSENS is a registered a patent (EP22382621.5). 

The MAXSENS logo and brand are registered and protected since July 2021. 

CE - Electronic devices